The Prosumer Award: if solar, then KOSTAL
System operators, be they private or commercial, invest in solar systems to obtain energy more sustainably and more economically. The systems' compatibility with other sectors, such as heat and e-mobility, is of particular interest for homes and businesses. Networked in this way, solar power will ideally supply other consumers via the operator's system.
22,000 plant operators and planners clearly voted for KOSTAL when surveyed by EUPD, demonstrating their great satisfaction with the product range consisting of inverters, compatible storage units, smart energy meters and energy meters and culminating in wallboxes – always in combination with an intelligent and integrated energy management system.
Home energy management is hugely important in the complete system as self-sufficiency using self-produced electricity must always be perfectly organised – even in times with less solar irradiation.
Why is a home energy management system essential?
To be able to use the solar power generated in the networked home system, operators need to record and manage available capacities and consumption in energy flows. This task is solved by a home energy management system that helps to use the greatest possible amount of self-produced electricity in the operator's own household. The effect is that self-consumption is high as is independence from line current and the costs for electricity purchased from elsewhere are low.
The home energy management system makes optimum decisions about the successive use of the solar power delivered. Is it consumed directly or is it better to store it for consumers to use at a later time? The sunshine duration and intensity are taken into account as well as the current operation of all consumers.
Living with KOSTAL home energy management
Home energy management works on the basis of a simple principle in the solar system: each component works for itself and one master unit works for them all. Therefore, solar modules are already optimised by the inverter's integrated energy manager, and the battery storage is brought into peak efficiency by its management system. If consumers are then connected to the system, KOSTAL offers control devices in the form of its smart energy meters KOSTAL Smart Energy Meter and KOSTAL Energy Meter, which implement home energy management in a safe, efficient manner with visuals.
As the brain and control centre, smart meters precisely display all essential parameters for the energy flows and enable them to be controlled and checked manually or automatically. With their help, not only does the power supply system run smoothly but as little line electricity is purchased as possible.
Therefore, KOSTAL is proving its strengths in this segment in terms of diversity and connectivity. In addition to the KOSTAL Smart Energy Meter, the product range has been expanded to include two energy meter variants (the KOSTAL Energy Meter) for greater availability on the market. Even with newcomers to the range, KOSTAL remains true to itself: simple installation, simple commissioning, full functionality
Summary: The EUPD "Brand" and "Prosumer" awards for Home Energy Management show that the 22,000 users from trade and installation companies surveyed are impressed by KOSTAL. Whatever the requirement, KOSTAL always offers the right solution with its energy management system that slots perfectly into the overall system.